How to reduce belly fat in just 10 days

How to reduce belly fat in just 10 days

Belly fat is very embarrassing to have and looks ugly. A lot of people battle constantly with it and tumble from one weight loss program to another and some even try supplements and pills hoping it would help them reduce their belly fat.

However, by following a simple easy to follow the plan, you will not only reduce belly fat but get rid of it permanently and you will be able to see continuous improvement week after week.

First things first – Things to stay away from:

1. Stay away from drugs, pills, and supplements. At most, it can get rid of water and muscle weight by draining your body of the water and not an ounce of what you had lost would be fat. Also, this process slows down your metabolism making it tougher to burn fat in the future. It is common to see people gaining back all the lost weight once they are off the pills and supplements.

2. Stay away from crash diets and starvation diets. Since the body does not get sufficient calories to burn, the brain sends a signal to the body to slow down the metabolism rate so that energy can be conserved. This damages the body’s metabolism and fat burning capacity.

Now that you know what you shouldn’t do, it is time now to go into what you should do to reduce your belly fat and other fat deposits of your body.

To reduce belly fat, you should follow a 3 pronged method consisting of a combination of the right diet, right exercise and increasing the metabolism. The capacity of the body to burn the calories is metabolism. When the metabolism is high, more fat gets burnt with little effort.

When you have meals 5 small meals a day instead of 3 regular ones, you are keeping the metabolism on its toes as it has to work to burn the calories. It is also important to choose the right kind of foods that increase metabolism. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber, and lean protein is necessary to boost your metabolism to bring about a reduction in fat.

You can never reduce your belly fat and inches by diet alone. You will also need to add some exercise routine to it. Exercise not only burns the calories fast, but it also gives the body’s metabolism a boost thus promoting even faster fat loss. Cardio workouts and weight training with low weights and high repetitions are ideal for reducing belly fat.